Importance Of Ecommerce Website Schema Markup

When anyone conducts an online search for a specific product, they are presented with a SERP that (in most cases) contains a zillion results. Since there’s a slim chance that someone will look through all of these connections, it’s critical to make the company stand out.

Adding structured data markup to your online store is the easiest way to do it.


You’ve probably come across enhanced Google search results called Rich Snippets if you’ve ever searched for any product, company, or service online, particularly in a competitive niche.

Rich Snippets use semantic vocabulary like to extract information from structured data markup and provide further information about a particular outcome (contact, ratings, reviews, availability status, etc.).  These extra bits of information improves your click- through rate and allows the search engines to comprehend the content of your site better .

Although Google does not guarantee that rich snippets will appear in search results, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put effort into implementing and optimising structured data in your shop. On the contrary, I’ve seen a lot of eCommerce sites that don’t use markup, which is why you can take advantage of this and add it to your site. After all, one of the key aspects that sets you apart from your rivals is that you have more detail than they do.


When you look at the vocabulary, the amount of schema forms and properties you might use on your site will easily overwhelm you. There are several choices for different content forms, such as recipes, activities, locations, items, and so on, which is why it’s critical to pick the ones that best suit your business.

Since this can be a time-consuming process, I’ve put together a guide on how to set up the most common schema types on eCommerce sites:

  • ORGANIZATION : The Organization schema category is used to provide details about your company, such as your name, logo, address, phone number, social media profiles, and so on. Despite the fact that this schema type allows you to provide a lot of useful information to your clients, which I highly encourage you to do, you should always exercise caution. Only one page of your online store can use the Organization schema form. Choose the most important page on your store (in most cases, the homepage) and add as many Organization assets to your structured data markup as you see fit.
  • WEBSITE : Since eCommerce stores rely heavily on site search, I suggest using the Website schema form to add a Sitelink search box that allows users to search for their desired items directly on the SERP.
  • List of breadcrumbs : This one is fairly self-explanatory: you can always include Breadcrumb List structured data markup in your online store to give search engines and potential customers more knowledge about your site architecture. While the vast majority of online stores have already adopted the BreadcrumbList schema, not all implementation is right in my experience. The most popular mistake is failing to include the final page (the one you’re on) in the ItemListElement.
  • ITEMLIST : This is where things start to get interesting. If you’re new to eCommerce SEO, you might be wondering why we’re using a schema category that doesn’t provide any information at all. The explanation for this is simple: Google does not permit product markup at the category level.

On product listing pages, you can use a variety of schemas, but I prefer the ItemList kind. It displays the full range of your items without straying too far from Google’s guidelines.

  • PRODUCT : Let’s say you have several product forms in your catalogue and you don’t want to give them all to Google Shopping. In that case, each product class would include a different Product org implementation strategy. Another thing to remember is that product markup allows us to turn on automatic updates in Google Merchant Center, so the standardised data markup on product pages must fit the feed data.
  • Implementation of Structured Data is being tested : Test the results in the Rich Results Tester as soon as you begin implementing schema markup in your shop. The best part is that you can test improvements on the staging platform as well! Simply copy your website’s source code and paste it into the testing tool, and you’re ready to go.

How much of an improvement can you expect if you follow our advice?

I won’t give you first positions on search results pages because Rich Snippets have no direct effect on your organic rankings (honestly, I’ll never promise you that because I believe that’s something you can’t guarantee). Nonetheless, I am sure that structured data markup will increase your CTR, which will boost your overall efficiency.

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