Choose the Most Reliable Ways to Boost Up eCommerce Sales

After successfully setting up your e-commerce store, what next? Boost those sales. What if you have an online store, however, your sales have plummeted? You don’t need to panic, because we’ve got you covered. For starters, we can suggest using ecommerce SEO services to help customize your site and boost your sales. Otherwise, you can search for a guide online, or else read this article which has set a proper method guides to boost your e-commerce sales.

Want to See your Sales on Top? Use the Methods Shown:

Boost Up eCommerce Sales

  • Display your company’s icons on your website, show you are trustworthy
  • Strong brand awareness impacts customer trust in your brand.
  • Use email marketing to gather more clients.
  • Use data analysis to help improve your business strategy.
  • Excellent customer service will always bring back your customers.
  • Ensure all your app stack are performing to their full potential.

7 Most Reliable Ways to Boost Your eCommerce Sales

  1. Pay for Traffic

You can quickly get a winning campaign if you learn how to go about traffic buying properly. Get ready to;

  • Spend money– it’s not a substantial amount. You can get started with a decent figure of $ 50
  • Keep a test lab– it is not necessarily a laboratory, but have it in your mind that you will go through several tests before settling for the right method to use. Diversifying is much better, rather than putting your eggs in one basket.
  • Have your target in mind-if you know this; you can get it right in your campaigns. It can be risky if you don’t have a clue who your customer is. However, you can generate a Buyer Persona that can guide you along.
  1. Use Popular Social Media

The most powerful platforms today are; Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Using these platforms correctly may see your e-commerce sales skyrocketing. Before you embark on an advertisement, know your budget. There are options like how many days you want your ad to run? Estimated number of client’s reachable and so on.

  • Twitter; you don’t necessarily need to be tech-savvy to start advertising on Twitter. Looking at what others are doing, especially those successful ones, can be enough for you to start. On the Twitter page, you will find the success page that you can through.
  • Facebook; did you know that Facebook is the mother of Instagram? Nevertheless, they have different platforms, which means you will use the Facebook Ad Manager to advertise on Instagram. Then look for “Custom Audience” and click it to download. Your Ads will show here based on your audience similarities that you are targeting.

Just before you create it, Facebook analyzes your web visitors. Once done, you then select “Lookalike Audience.” Once that’s done, get the audience that you had earlier set, choosing from which country you want to have your clients. A fair audience size should be near 1% as you start.

  • Instagram is estimated to have 400+ million people. One thing that we need to clear here is, although it is an excellent platform to place your Ads, you can’t be over sales; otherwise, your audience engagement will go down.

It is pretty much similar to Facebook Ads, except for the images. Here, it is more image-centric, and it is essential to show clear photos of your products.

The above photo shows how Burberry has used a sexy picture to showcase a wedding night lingerie. Letting the quality of their images do the talking. To help make quality photos on social media, you can use Canvas.

Other crucial sections on Instagram are Bio and Website. People need to have a bit of information about what you do and if you may have different offerings. While the website will take people where you want them, you can also find options for using hashtags in the caption.

  1. Mobile Optimization

Today there are many poorly designed websites in mobile optimization. With the high volume of mobile users that we have today, it leaves a sour taste in the mouth to imagine how such sites are losing out in their e-commerce businesses. Without wasting their time, they can efficiently use e-commerce SEO services to have a compelling website that will be user-friendly. It will help to retain their clients other than have them abandon their site. They also check if you have any new version software in your app stack that needs an update.

  1. Tiered Pricing

The pricing structure should be appealing to entice your clients to get the higher value of the product or service. A strategy you can use is to present your two main products and attract your customers to go for a third option, probably the most expensive one.

While using the option, ensure the low value is way cheaper compared to the high-priced one. It is a Phycology that lets the customer feel he deserves the best as he ends up getting the most expensive product. This act plays an effective decoy known in other words as asymmetric dominance.

  1. Give Discount Coupons

You have probably found most of these on Twitter, Web-pages, Facebook, and other platforms. A survey carried in the US by RetailMeNot showed that 96% of Americans use coupons for purchases. We have a frugal nation that loves bargains and ways to save some cash.

  1. Smooth Checkout

After all the hard work you have achieved to draw customers to your site, you don’t want to ruin their final checkout process. Ecommerce clients take the most time to decide what they need, but always in a rush to checkout. Ensure your customers experience a smooth finish so you can have them next time. If you are having a challenge in this section, you can get help from the eCommerce SEO services and have it optimized for you.

  1. Customer Testimonials are a Winner

Testimonials are a high trust signal for customers. Unless you satisfy them, they won’t give good feedback about your brand. Your ultimate goal is to treat them so well; thus, they provide a gushing review of your services. Then show them off on your landing page. It sways even those who might have doubts about your brand. Work hard to earn your customer’s trust, because when they do, you will have them streaming on your site.

An extensive survey done by Temkin Group shows the most and the least trusted brands in America.

temkin trust ratings 2014

In conclusion, I hope you will implement the methods we have covered in this article to take your e-commerce sale on another level. Using the inspiring strategy, like tuning your app stacks, will have boost your site’s performance and have your sales skyrocketing.