7 e-Commerce Website Designing Tips To Improve User Experience

It always starts with a little. Running an ecommerce business successfully requires little planning and proper strategy. It is really important to understand that designing plays a significant role when you desire to have an online business store. An easy and attractive ecommerce website design can take your business to the new heights. You can expect a wider reach to your potential audience if played smartly. 

The e-business websites should be designed and developed with a motto to guide the customers in what they are looking for. The focus should not just be on making it artistically beautiful but making it as easy as possible so that customers can purchase their desired product stuff easily. The faster the visitor can go from the page he landed to the cart or placing an order, the chances are more likely you will get the conversion.

It is said that a well-managed website is the base of an e-commerce business. If you want to give your business a new way then focus on engaging the visitors by providing them the navigation and information they wanted to. Here we bring some of the useful tips by the best ecommerce website developers of Delhi that will help you in lifting your online business –

  1. Keep It Little Simple – Keep this important thing in mind that users don’t prefer sites having clumsiness in it. Try to keep the elements as simple as you can. The visitors who are landing to your website don’t want to hunt for the things; they just want it in a simple and straightforward way. You can use the whitespace as much as you can to keep the important things understandable. Use a grid menu with different types of attractive icons for different categories. This will provide the enhanced view and increases the chances of better user engagement. Using clear and good quality images where required, can hold the customers for a longer time.
  2. Understand Search Bar – It is important to make a search bar as fast & user-friendly as possible. This is a crucial element as you are allowing the users to find their required products without going in detailed browsing. Its placement should be at the middle top center or at the top right corner at the homepage. It should visible to the users in all the pages of your ecommerce website. But, ecommerce website developer should check whether it is properly functioning or not. Keep this thing in your mind that user who is landing on your site is very smart and hates seeing the message “No Match Found” as a result. Try to optimize the search queries as per the exact match.
  3. Provide the Filtering Option – Give your users the freedom to choose the products as per their choice.  Provide the option of the filter in the result’s option ranging from highest to lowest prices, sizes, colors, brand, discounts, in-stock etc. By doing this you are giving your customers an easy access to find the products of use. This will for sure makes your customer’s shopping experience improved and better.
  4. Use View Cart Button – It is a fact that having a button which is visible all the times to the users can increase the rate of conversion. Most of the ecommerce websites place the little shopping cart icon almost on every page that enables the users to see the number of items added to their cart.  However, you can place it somewhere where the users can find it easily and conveniently. You can use a little bright color that keeps it out from the background.
  5. Easy Checkout Process – There are number of sites commit a mistake by making the checkout process complicated. Keep your feet in the customer’s shoes and then see why customers hate the lengthy & complicated process. Just add the necessary information and let the customer exits without any hassle. Try to keep the guest purchasing option also. There are customers who don’t like to sign up but shows their interest in shopping.
  6. Customer Reviews Section – We all check the reviews before buying anything from an online store. It helps in driving sales and increased rate of conversion. This is important because all the potential customers for sure check this that what others are saying about the products they are planning to buy from you. This is a simple trick to show the transparency and keep the customers engaged.
  7. Never Forget Mobile Responsive – You should also know this fact that the ratio of mobile users is high compared to desktop. Don’t forget to make your ecommerce site responsive. If you fail to do this, chances are higher that you will be missing the customers from the mobile source. Ensure to give the smooth navigation and attractive appearance.

Wrapping Up

The above listed ecommerce web design tips are must if you are developing an e-commerce site. In order to have an attractive, useful website you utilize these tips. These tips are revealed by experts at Edtech, an e-Commerce Web Development Company in Delhi.