Top 10 Post-Checking Tips Every E-Commerce Website Client Needs to Know

Ensuring your e-commerce website is fully functional and ready for launch is crucial for a smooth customer experience and successful business operations.

Here are some comprehensive post-checking tips for clients prepared by an ecommerce website development company in Delhi.

Functionality Testing

Functionality testing ensures that all parts of the e-commerce website work correctly. This includes testing the checkout process to make sure customers can easily add items to their cart, apply discounts, choose shipping options, and complete their purchase without issues. It’s also important to test payment gateways like credit cards and PayPal to confirm they work securely. Additionally, check the user registration, login, and password recovery processes to ensure they’re smooth. Verify that the search bar gives accurate results and that all menu items, categories, and links navigate correctly without any broken links.

  • Checkout Process – Test the entire checkout process, including adding items to the cart, applying discounts, shipping options, and completing the purchase.
  • Payment Gateways – Ensure all payment gateways (credit/debit cards, PayPal, etc.) work smoothly and securely.
  • User Registration/Login – Verify the user registration, login, and password recovery processes.
  • Search Functionality – Check that the search bar returns accurate and relevant results.
  • Navigation – Ensure all menu items, categories, and subcategories are properly linked and navigable.

Performance Testing

Make sure your website loads quickly and works well on all devices and browsers. Aim for it to load in under 3 seconds. Test how it looks and functions on desktops, tablets, and smartphones to ensure a smooth user experience. Simulate high traffic to see if the website can handle a lot of visitors at once without crashing. This helps keep users happy and reduces the chance of them leaving due to slow or poor performance.

  • Loading Speed – Test the website’s loading time on various devices and browsers. Aim for a loading time of under 3 seconds.
  • Responsiveness – Ensure the website is fully responsive and looks good on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
  • Stress Testing – Simulate high traffic to ensure the website can handle peak times without crashing.

Security Checks

Security is critical for any e-commerce website. First, make sure an SSL certificate is installed, which shows a secure HTTPS in the URL and protects data during transmission. Next, ensure user data, such as personal information and payment details, is stored securely to prevent unauthorized access. Regularly update the website software and plugins to fix any vulnerabilities and keep the site secure. These steps protect both your business and customers from potential security threats, such as data breaches and cyberattacks, ensuring a safe shopping experience for everyone.

  • SSL Certificate – Confirm that an SSL certificate is installed and active, ensuring secure data transmission (look for HTTPS in the URL).
  • Data Protection – Ensure user data is securely stored and protected against breaches.
  • Regular Updates – Make sure the website software and plugins are up-to-date to prevent vulnerabilities.

Content Verification

After development, it’s important to verify all the content on your e-commerce website. Check every product listing to make sure descriptions, prices, images, and stock information are accurate. Ensure that contact information, like email addresses and phone numbers, is correct and easy to find. Additionally, confirm that legal pages such as Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Return Policy are present and up-to-date. This helps customers trust your site and understand their rights, which can prevent potential issues and improve their overall shopping experience.

  • Product Listings – Verify all product listings for accurate descriptions, prices, images, and stock availability.
  • Contact Information – Check that all contact information, including email, phone numbers, and addresses, are correct.
  • Legal Pages – Ensure all necessary legal pages (Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, Return Policy) are present and accurate.

User Experience (UX)

Ensuring a great user experience (UX) means making the website easy and enjoyable to use. The design should be simple and intuitive, so visitors can find what they need without any confusion. Clear and helpful error messages should guide users if something goes wrong. Additionally, the website should offer ways for users to provide feedback or report problems easily. This helps improve the site over time and ensures users feel heard and valued. Good UX keeps customers happy, encourages repeat visits, and can lead to more sales.

  • Intuitive Design – Ensure the website layout is intuitive and user-friendly.
  • Error Messages – Verify that error messages are helpful and guide users on how to fix issues.
  • Feedback Mechanisms – Ensure there are mechanisms for users to provide feedback or report issues.

SEO and Analytics


For your e-commerce website to attract visitors, it’s important to optimize it for search engines and set up analytics. This means using the right keywords, meta tags, and alt texts for images to help search engines find and rank your site. Additionally, installing tools like Google Analytics lets you track how many people visit your site, where they come from, and what they do while they’re there. This data is crucial for understanding your customers and improving your site. Proper SEO and analytics setup ensure your site is visible to potential customers and helps you make informed decisions to grow your business.

  • SEO Optimization – Check that all pages are optimized for search engines (meta tags, keywords, alt texts for images).
  • Analytics Setup – Confirm that Google Analytics or other tracking tools are properly set up to monitor traffic and user behavior.

Compliance and Accessibility

It makes sure your website follows rules and is easy for everyone to use. It’s like making sure the doors to your store are wide enough for wheelchairs and there are signs that are easy to read. This helps all customers, including those with disabilities, to shop comfortably. Also, it reminds you to obey the laws about selling online. Just like how you follow traffic rules when driving, you must follow e-commerce laws. This way, you run your online store safely and help everyone have a good experience.

  • Accessibility – Ensure the website meets accessibility standards (WCAG) to accommodate users with disabilities.
  • Legal Compliance – Verify compliance with local and international e-commerce laws and regulations.

Backup and Recovery

It emphasizes the importance of keeping your e-commerce website safe and ready for any trouble. Regularly saving copies of your website data (backups) can prevent losing important information. If something goes wrong, having a plan to fix it (recovery plan) is crucial. This includes knowing what to do if your website crashes or if someone tries to steal information. By doing this, you’re like a superhero, always prepared for any surprises that might come your website’s way!

  • Regular Backups – Set up regular backups to prevent data loss.
  • Recovery Plan – Have a recovery plan in place in case of website failures or data breaches.

Testing Different User Scenarios

As per the best website designers in Delhi, testing different user scenarios involves trying out various ways people might use the website. For instance, you’d check how it works if someone doesn’t want to make an account and just buys as a guest. Also, you’d see if the website looks good and works well on different internet browsers like Google Chrome or Safari. Plus, you’d test it on different gadgets like phones and tablets to make sure it looks good and works right on all of them. This helps catch any problems and ensures everyone can use the website easily, no matter how they access it.

  • Guest Checkout – Test the guest checkout process to ensure it works smoothly without user registration.
  • Different Browsers – Test the website on different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge).
  • Different Devices – Test on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and different operating systems.

 Post-Launch Monitoring

After launching your e-commerce website, it’s important to keep an eye on things. Check regularly for any problems using error logs. Listen to what your customers say about the website. If they have suggestions or find issues, make changes to improve their experience. This helps make sure your website stays running smoothly and keeps customers happy. By staying on top of things after the launch, you can fix any problems quickly and keep your business running smoothly.

  • Error Logs – Regularly check error logs for any issues that may arise post-launch.
  • User Feedback – Actively collect and respond to user feedback to continually improve the website.
  • Training Sessions – Offer training sessions for key personnel to ensure they can efficiently operate and update the website.